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The Mission of Enigami Puzzles & Games is to collect fun ideas and to send them into the world in the form of great puzzles and games and to have a good time doing it.


Who is

Roderick Kimball - Chief Nerd

Roderick was born in BC, making him either ridiculously old, or simply Canadian. In his youth, Roderick was sometimes spotted on the slow end of a soccer pitch but more often on the fast end of a chess board. (Surely you've heard of the notorious Kimball maneuver, in which one opens a chess match by flipping the king's pawn into the air such that it lands, butter side up, on the king's fourth rank.) A curious child, Roderick once temporarily blinded himself by connecting his top and bottom braces with a 9-volt battery.  Roderick has created puzzles for the National Museum of Mathematics, Games Magazine, Reader’s Digest Canada, NPR's Ask Me Another and for his own amusement.  In the other half of his life, Roderick has toured the world juggling with the Flying Karamazov Brothers.  He also recently returned from Kenya, where he was sent by Engineers Without Borders to help folks with improving their water supply.  He is proud to say that his ancestry includes two very great grandmothers who were executed as witches and he once made bottled water come out Rosie O’Donnell’s nose.

Enigami Puzzles & Games is based in the wonderful town of Bellingham, Washington

© 2020 by Enigami Puzzles & Games

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