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Enigami Wordplay Collaboration Clubhouse

Homophones With Three or More Different Spellings

Words which sound the same, but are spelled in at least three ways.



right, rite, write

air, heir, ere, err, aire, e'er

dough, doe, d'oh!

Rain, reign, rein

pair, pare, pear

they're, there, their

to, two, too

you, ewe, yew

petal, peddle, pedal

metal, meddle, medal, mettle

Mays, maze, maize

kneed, knead, need

vane, vein, vein

mane, Maine, main

faze, feys, phase

rays, raise, raze

knows, nose, nos

hi, high, hie

cord, chord, cored

aisle, I'll, isle

lays, laze, leis

way, whey, weigh

or, ore, oar

Aye, eye, I

fore, four, for

rose, rows, roes

wined, wind, whined

sight, site, cite

idle, idle, idyll

flew, flu, flue


Roderick Kimball

Roderick Kimball





Wren Schultz

Roderick Kimball

John Harris

John Harris

John Harris

John Harris

John Harris

John Harris

John Harris

John Harris

John Harris

John Harris

John Harris

John Harris

John Harris

John Harris

John Harris

John Harris

John Harris

John Harris

John Harris

John Harris

John Harris

John Harris

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