Enigami Wordplay Collaboration Clubhouse
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Kimball Pairs
A Kimball Pair is two words which have idiomatic meaning in either order. For example, "rat pack" and "pack rat". These are also called "transpograms" or "switch words".
Kimball Pair_
overpass / Passover
breakwater / water break
downbeat / beat down
upbeat / beat up
low down / down low
uphold / holdup / holed up
upright / write up
run out / outrun
outbreak / break out
pipe stand / standpipe
windbreak / break wind
Burnside / sideburn
overdo / do over
wind down / down wind
upshot / shot up
Montrose / Rosemont (Stops on the CTA Blue Line)
keep up/upkeep
Armstrong/strong arm
Roderick Kimball
Wren Schultz
Viveca Gardiner
Viveca Gardiner
Laura B.
Laura B.
Viveca Gardiner
Stephen O'Bent
Colin Ernst
Colin Ernst
Colin Ernst
Sam Bent
Viveca Gardiner
Roderick Kimball
New Kimball Pairs